Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Eric Graduated!!!!!

Eric graduated on the 6th of this month in the top of his class. We are so proud of him.
Graduate and mother: such a happy moment!
"I'm done!"

Our Cute Granddaughter

Julia is almost 15 months old. Isn't she cute?


So Pretty

The dress we got for her



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

After spring break I was reticent about another 8 weeks of early morning seminary class. But the last two days have been great.
We started and finished Galations in the New Testament these 2 days. There are 3 or 4 lessons in the manual to choose from each day with really good ideas. But I hate to spend the whole lesson time on just one of those lessons; I like to cover more. I struggled with Galations 3-6. There was a lesson on how the law of Moses was a school master to bring and prepare people for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the atonement. They suggested using pictures of a bike with training wheels. In the student manual the topic of Abraham and becoming of his seed and Christ's seed - equal heirs. Then there was the lesson on the fruits of the spirit and what one sows one reaps. So how do they all go together? I wondered. Usually the answer is to go the scriptures and see these themes in there and what sequence they are in.
There are 3 chapters on the Abraham theme. Previously I had read and marked the scriptures that seemed real good. So I had the kids take turns reading these marked passages.
Galations 3:7-9 they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. etc the gospel was preached to Abraham (vs 8) vs 16 now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. vs 19 Wherefore then serveth the law? Paul wonders outloud why was the law of Moses given. the answer? continue vs 16: It was added because of transgressions. Then jump to vs 24: The law was our school master to bring us unto Christ that we might be justified by faith. 25: but after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster . You just plain have to open your scriptures and read Galations 3:26-29 it is beautiful.
I used my dog as an example. She is very energetic and we keep her on a leash a lot. We used to get so frustrated how she would run away and not come to us when she was a puppy. The leash was her school master or law of Moses. It kept her from certain joys or fullness of being able to run everywhere, but it kept her safe from the road, neighbors, or strangers or certain problems and sins. Now that she is 4, she actually can be off the leash and know to stay in our yard for short times and she comes when called.
In chapter 4 of Galations, Paul uses Hagar and Sarah as an alegory see verse 22 - 24. Jump to verse 30. I always felt bad that Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael away. He loved Ishmael. But Ishmael had mocked Isaac, the son of the free woman. Sending away Hagar is like sending away the law of Moses when the true and full gospel is come, fulfilling the Law. We are to be free and of the promise, not in bondage. Abraham's promise is through Sarah and Isaac. There are many on the earth who believe that the promise is through Ishmael, but that is not our belief or Paul's. Now begin Chapter 5. Isn't verse 1 beautiful? To supplement this thought, I showed the Testimony of Elder Nelson on the Abrahamic covenant found on the DVD witnesses to Christ - the one where all the apostles take turns bearing testimonies. It is beautiful.

Now the key to how chapters 3,4 and 5 blend with chapter 6 and the sowing and reaping is in Galations chapter 5, verses 13-15. There is another bondage one who is free from the law of Moses must be aware of. The freedom to sin, which brings one into bondage worse than the law of Moses. Paul admonishes us to use our freedom to love and serve on another. He brings up 2 types of fruits. Draw two trees, make them big. Label one Sin. I had each student come up and write one of the works of the flesh on the board. I was surprised how much they enjoyed this. One though it was cool that he got to write murder. see verses 19-20 for all the sins one can write on their sin tree. Now the other tree is 'fruit of the Spirit'. verses 22-23. I had two students wanting to write long suffering. I commented on how pretty or big or upside down they wrote their words. One student was assigned to write 'etc' on both trees. Now read Galations 6: 7-9. Do not be decieved, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. " (keep reading, )reap corruption or everlasting life.
There's a real cute video, only 3 minutes for the Seminary about the law of the Harvest. It shows a commuity planting a garden, then coming back to harvest. when they cut open a watermellon tomatoes fall out. When they pull up a carrot, its a banana. The corn had a carrot under the husks etc. It was funny. Of course, one student says that happens in their garden, or with God anything is possible, but the point is, you should only be able to reap what you sow.
It was a good lesson. I bore testimony of how blessed we are to be children of Abraham, with the fullness of the gospel and priesthood and how we should use our blessings to sow good that we may reap good. something like that. Take care and have a great day!

Well, if you want something more to think about, for Galations 2, verses 16-17. , justification is to be washed clean from sin through the atonement. Now picture a water power plant such as the one in Spokane that we just saw with waterfalls and turbulent white water and purple trams above letting tourists ooh and ah. The power plant is us. The water is the atonement. How do you get the water to make electricity for your personal worthiness home? The water must be channeled into a device with rotating turbines that harness the power. Baptism, repentance, faith , sacrament etc- all those things help us to harness the power of the atonement. The electricty then takes the power to our home, which can then be worthy to be part of the Kingdom of God. Something to think about. love ya' bye.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Valentine's stake dance

Eric and his girl friend Amanda. One of the dances is called "Charlie" and you start with one parnter but when the DJ says switch and they all have to get new partners. They switch a few times until the DJ says "Charlie and then the young men kneel and his first partner runs and finds him and sits on his knee. Eric got Amanda a silver ring for Valentines, a rose and some chocolates.

Scott chaperoning the stake valentine's dance - he was over the punch. It was a mixture of countrytime lemonade and pink raspberry pop or sprite. He was also over the cookies come to think of it. He had young men bring home made cookies and he supplemented with cookies from the dollar store. We have a few leftover dollar store cookies in our freezer.

Here is a picture of Keith

Valentine mystic picture with Karisa

Karisa and a friend had fun taking pictures one day
I decided to put on some pictures and videos . I think spring finally is here - I have heather, violets, snow flowers blooming and the daffys will bloom soon. I put up
easter decorations. I made a celestial cake for seminary. It was two layer fudge with homemade marshmellow filling. Telestial was an animal cracker and terrestial was a home made peanut butter and fudge swirl cookie. The students only wanted the cake. We were studying Corinthians 15 about the 3 degrees of glory.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wii fit

WE got a Wii fit after Christmas as there weren't any before. The kids have fun with it. Though Karisa is very competitive and wants to do things perfect like the ski between the flags excercise. I'm happy to get through a few gates and get a 20 or something. She got mad and did it over and over to get a 300 or more. I have plenty of room for improvement. I like that it tells me my weight and can feel how balanced and flexible I am . I do yoga on the Wii fit. It helps set fitness goals and teaches new excercises. Some are hard and I avoid doing those. I like geting points just for practicing correct breathing. Keith was excited that his physical age is younger than he at this piont. My first day it said I was 57. The next time it said 44. I like 44, I can live with that. Take care JB

elk feeding near Yakima

We were getting cabin fever and took a drive to the mountains. We stopped at the oak Creek elk feeding station. There sure are a lot of elk there. They remind me of a cross between a camel and a cow. I was surprised at the high pitched noise they make. I think seeing one or a few in the natural settin in the woods seems more exciting. But this is something to see.

elk feeding near Yakima

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Seminary was fun this morning. I started out showing a gift I'd received from Scott, an Ellensburg blue agate that he'd hid in a super nice thick winter sock. I told them about another time he'd hid a stone in some socks at Christmas for me: my engagement ring on Dec 24, 1979. I told them how I grew up in Wyo and I even drew a map of Wyo (not hard) and showed them where Laramie is. I showed them an agate and some quartz from around Laramie. Then a rock we picked up at a beach near Forks, Washington. Then I pulled out a big guns rock and told them it had a special name. I got out a stand and put on a sign "The first stone" Someone guessed what it was about. So we got into John 8:1-11. So we discussed not judging, and I mentioned the book I'm reading which is hilarious; Baptists at our BBQ and the self righteous characters in that book or movie. We read about tolerance of a sinner but not tolerate the sin. I read to them from a story on ESPN about a football team in Faith, TX that hosted a game against boys from a correctional institute. They had half their audience and cheerleaders cheer for the opposite team. The boys felt cared for and it meant a lot to them.
From there we talked about whether practicing football 2 hours everyday was a type of bondage or not. They decided no, it was choice. Then I asked about piano practicing. They thought it might be a type of bondage. But then I brought up how the only way one has the freedom to sit down and play on the piano is if they have practiced. And we read how decipleship and the truth will make you free. Practicing correct principles gives one the power to do wonderful things. Where as sin or ignorance keeps one from doing or being all they can be.
After discussing this for awhile, I put up the word strip
"Whose Your Daddy"
If you read John chapter 8, you can't help but notice there is quite a bit of discussion about whose children were the church leaders at that time. They thought they were of Abraham. Jesus said no. They thought they were children of God. Jesus said no. He then went on to tell them they are children of the devil for they did not do the works of God or Abraham, love the son of God, and they had murderous thoughts in their hearts.
Of course, we ended with how then the leaders wanted to Stone Jesus but he had somehow dissapeared. Isn't that a great story? We also talked about how in John 6, Jesus is the source of LIving Water and The Bread of Life. In 8 he says he is The LIght of The World, God sent him and before Abraham was, "I Am." cool huh. Get to know your Savior, read the Bible. Its great.

Before I took Karisa in for a chiropractor visit at 4:30 on Tuesday, Jan 6, I had been outside playing fetch with our dog, Bitsy. I did a wild left hand shot that sent the ball onto the roof of our house. So the ball stuck up there much to Bitsy's chagrin. I told her sorry and took her in the house. We were pretty much a winter wonderland with 4 inches of snow on top of frozen ice from an earlier thaw then freeze before the latest snow. After the chiropractor visit (Karisa had a rib out earlier causing chest pain and breathing difficulties) a- and , there was this free stuffed animal by the front door to the chiropractor ( a stuffed stork in a vampire cape with vampire teeth that the chiropractor no longer wanted and which Karisa took) and other errands - bought gas at Safway for 1.68 per gallon and got some bread from the bread outlet store, we came home. A warm wind had picked up. And guess what? The snow on the roof had all melted and the ball was on the ground.
The whole street turned into a slushy waterway. I stepped out and tried to take a picture of the neighbors' Christmas lights reflected in the water on the road. It was pretty, especially when the wind blew. We went from cold - 30 some degrees to 52 in 1/2 hour.
Now all the snow and ice is melted except for the last little bit of our snowman. The wind blew pretty good and we kept hearing knocking and banging of windows - we have the single pane aluminum windows , our house is a '72 house, and we didn't sleep too well Tuesday night.
I picked up a whole lot of branches from the trees off the back yard but nothing too big the next morning. We're just glad we live on a hill and only had 4 inches of snow to melt. We worry about Spokane. But then we found out that the ward preisthood has been called to help in Ellensburg. All roads to Seattle were closed and there was a foot of water in the Perkins Restaraunt with hundreds of stranded trucks.
So that's our experience with this crazy weather. It gives one something to talk about. Almost all my Seminary students still showed up. Monday the church parking lot was very icy. Today it's just wet.